Controlled Labs Green Magnitude Review

It has been over 2 months I have been using Green Magnitude by Controlled Labs and would like to say it is a great supplement. In the past, I have used AST Creatine Monohydrate with moderate success, so I felt like it was time to switch brands and try something new for once. I did some reading on the forums and noticed a lot of people praising Green Magnitude for its efficacy as a creatine supplement. One thing they kept mentioning was its supposed great taste (Green Sour Apples). While I never had a problem with a supplement’s taste (until Purple Wraath came along, wait for the upcoming review) it didn’t influence me in my decision of purchasing the product.

After waiting about 2 weeks for my shipment of Green Magnitude to come in from the store, I was eager to try it out. I loaded up a scoop of GM into a tall glass of water and mixed it in. The water immediately turned light green and the smell of sour green apples floated around the room. I took a sip and first thing that went through my mind was “this stuff is sour!”. According to the tub’s dosage instructions, adding more water will make the solution more sweet, but I didn’t have a problem with the sourness. Now, to be honest, the taste is decent, but I much rather have a creatine solution without any taste or additives of this sort. After a while of taking Green Magnitude, I got used to the taste and whatnot, but I still long for a colourless mix and taste-less creatine supplement.

Now, moving on to the efficacy of the supplement, it performs very well. I responded to this stuff right away and got great workouts at the gym each time. I recall the days I didn’t take it (after being off the stuff for a week) I noticed I was energy-less and more prone to being fatigued. Whether this is a placebo effect or whatnot, I strongly believe the creatine from GM works. In fact, I was so happy with Green Magnitude that I decided to try out Controlled Labs’ Green Bulge creatine pills as my next creatine supplement (that’s in 2-3 weeks). The reason why I am now switching to pills is because I am tired of mixing powders.

For the price I paid, this is a top quality supplement that needs to be on every bodybuilder’s list. I highly recommend this to everyone who is in need of a great creatine supplement and doesn’t want to pay for the higher priced garbages out there. Apart from the sour taste, I give this product a 9/10.

Update: check out the free samples of Green Magnitude and Purple Wraath!

Starting New Supplements

Yesterday, I received my new batch of supplements which I will stack with. They are Green Bulge, Purple Wraath and White Blood by Controlled Labs. While I have taken the White Blood capsules before, it is the first time I take Bulge and Wraath. I found Green Magnitude to be a great creatine supplement, but I really didn’t like the sour taste of it (plus, I had mixing powders…). I’m looking forward to tonight’s test of Purple Wraath.

Thank You For Smoking

Two days ago, I watched the movie “Thank You For Smoking” with my brother. I really digged it. The main character, Nick Naylor, reminds me of a good friend of mine who is quite the talker. What’s scary about this film is that people like Nick actually exist out there, who are very good at what they do. I refer to these types of people as “Social Engineers” as they’re very good at manipulating a scenario to their liking with ease.

After watching this film, I felt like smoking. Crap.

Week Update

This past week was quite hectic: after failing to recover my RAID 0 array, I decided to swap RAID controllers but that didn’t end up working due to incompatibility issues that is too long to explain. Summary: the Asus P4C800-E Deluxe motherboard with the Adaptec 1420SA RAID controller card do not like to work together. Inserting the 1420SA card caused my Intel RAID controller to not work (didn’t boot up my existing setup). I am pretty fed up of this whole matter (which has been going on for the past 3 weeks) that I have decided to buy a second computer to act as a permanent file server. I just need a proper 64-bit PCI-X slot to house the 1420SA card with 6-8 hard drive bays.

I have been taking a week off from training due to some slight pain in my right thigh. It seems to be healed now, so I will most likely go back to the gym either tonight or tomorrow night. I can’t wait! My stats so far are as follows; Squat: 240 lbs, Bench: 185 lbs, Press: 100 lbs, Clean: 131 lbs and Dips: 25 lbs. Now, I need to implement more cardiovascular exercises into my program to get rid of the excess fat and improve my circulatory system.

School Status

If the news hasn’t already been passed around yet, the major announcement is that I am dropping out of school for an indefinite period of time. Well, it’s more like a 1 year off thing from the looks of it, as I may pursue University again next semester, perhaps taking 1 class per semester during the day (I really can’t take night school… makes me want to try Modafinil out). Why did I drop out? I got really bored of the subject matter. I also fall asleep in class because of my long work hours with my dad. Anyway, I much rather concentrate on my dad’s business and work on Holiday Sources instead with my site partner. I can’t wait to see where it will take us.