All posts by Saro

There’s Money in Blogs

There are people out there who make money off blogs, and loads of it. This isn’t a surprise to many, but content really does pay you off in the end. You can have all the search engine optimization tricks done to your page, have thousands of links pointing to your sites through link exchanges and have a killer layout… but all this won’t mean a thing if you don’t have good, original content. The SEO game has been getting tougher and tougher each time the search engines do an update, as they want to make webmasters work hard to receive a ranking.

This week, I will be telling my brother and my friends how to startup blogs and make a bit of coin off of ’em. I will also plan out a new site dedicated to making money off blogs… an experiment in the works.

Dot Com Man

Lately, I’ve had the urge to spend more time on the web researching trends, brands and keywords. Just now, I registered 20-something domains on GoDaddy, hoping that one day I’ll make use of them or sell them to someone. A lot of them appear to be junk to most people, but in my eyes they’ll be worth something soon. I think they’re perfect for branding your sites, actually. How? Here’s an example: your site deals with a certain subject, and your users seem to love your site. How do you think they’ll remember your site? Bookmarking sites these day is pretty much history (pun!). How will they remember it? Easy. They’ll go up to their friend and ask them, “Do you remember that site dealing with product X… oh yeah,!”. Bingo! So you’re running an entertainment site…! What about that gamer’s site?! Or that lyrics site;! There you go. Now, this may be the most moronic idea ever, but I’m sure someone will like it. We’ll see how this idea goes.

Trapped (in Computer Hell)

Somehow I knew this was going to happen eventually. It seems that I have no choice but to pursue Computer Science at university, as the other programs do not really tickle my interest. I’m so tired of computers, due to the fact that I’ve been learning about them since I was seven years old. I don’t even feel challenged anymore. Computers are a hobby of mine and I don’t necessarily want to learn about my hobby at school. Where’s the fun in that? There is one program that does interest me (law!) but Concordia doesn’t seem to offer it at all. McGill, however, has a Faculty of Law, but I seriously doubt they’ll accept me with my ass-kicking technical Computer Science DEC from CEGEP. What a load of horse shit. Yes, this is my fault, but I really dislike Chemistry and Physics. My motivation to go through university has plummeted to an all-time low.

Honestly, if I had the choice, I’d drop out of university now and put the money that’s been saved up for school into good use, like investing it into a trust fund of some sort. That won’t happen, however, as my parents are determined to push me through school. I feel like I’m wasting my time… I rather be doing other shit, like working on my websites and helping my dad out with the business. I have too many ideas that I need to put into motion. Time is flying by and I’m going nowhere.

The excuse that school is a big “life insurance policy” sounds bogus to me. To cut it short, I really don’t see myself working for anyone else but me. The idea of a straight job is like the idea of a straight jacket. No way in hell will I become someone else’s slave. Yes, now I’m being a cocky son of a bitch, but I really don’t dig the whole 9 to 5 thing. I like staying and waking up late. I don’t want to be stuck in a cubicle all day long. I don’t follow deadlines. I hate meetings. I’m the biggest procrastinator I know. I will never change.