Yesterday night was my first day on the Starting Strength routine by Mark Rippetoe. It is quite an enjoyment to workout now. I really can’t wait to see how my brother and I will turn out in a few months. The book I had ordered from Amazon came in today, so I need to start reading it right away (I’ll start now!) and get my strength training knowledge up to par.
All posts by Saro
Polyphasic Sleep
I’m going to do a test to see whether taking short naps throughout the day will cause me to sleep less but still have the same effect of sleeping for 8-10 hours. If not, I’ll have to resort to this. 😉
I’m going to start by cutting my sleeping time to 6 hours every night. Perhaps this way, after a week or two, my body will re-adjust itself and make sleeping more efficient. After that, I’ll cut it to 4 hours a night. The challenge, if possible at all, is to bring my total sleeping time per night down to 2 hours. Maybe a bit too extreme? I have two friends who currently sleep this way (well, one’s irregular, and the other one sleeps 2-6 hours a night…).
5.8 cu. ft. Coming Soon
I just got back from Reno Depot and I will be assembling my new subwoofer box this week. Man, I can’t wait to put this baby together. It should be almost twice as loud and have a greater bass extension than my current setup.
Time for a break
I think I’m going to take a week off from training this week instead of the original December 1st date. I have actually been training for 8 weeks straight (five times a week) so the fatigue has definitely kicked in. I have trouble sleeping at nights and when I do fall asleep, waking up in the mornings are a drag. So, after tonight’s final back workout, I will take 1 week off and start the new training program which I highly look forward to. It should put on a hefty amount of muscle in 6 months to a year of following it, so that alone is exciting me right now.
I finally got to see my friend Alex last night after 1 month of silence. Headed to this remote club called Ocean Drive in St-Eustache (reminds me of that damn Tiga song). His new car totally pwns!
Lately, I think I have been overtraining at the gym and it’s becoming apparent. I’m having a bit of trouble sleeping at night and I feel like garbage as of late. Thankfully, my workout program cycle ends December 1st (Friday) so I’ll be taking a week off and then start a new program on the 11th. I’m looking forward to the break and program change.