So it’s been a while since my last post. Sarotech recently moved its offices to a bigger place (same building) so for the past month and I haven’t had the time of day to update any of my websites. The new place had to be painted from top to bottom, new flooring had to be installed as the carpet was garbage, and Ethernet had to be passed through every room. Well, after a month of work, it’s finally done. There are a few more things to do of course (need to build shelves!) but since Monday, we have officially moved and kicking business into high gear. The new place totally kicks ass and definitely makes Sarotech look like a software development company.
Last Sunday, Chloe photographed me (professionally!) with a suit on. I always wanted to be in a photo-shoot and my wish came true. I can now say that I have some great pictures of me with a suit on. 🙂 I will be posting pictures as soon as I get them from her. Thanks Chloe!