This is the old Max-OT training program I used to follow. It was quite successful at the time when I was peaking, but since I restarted working out, this program does not suit my needs anymore. I am now following Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength routine.
The program
Since I am training for strength, I lift heavy weights to force my muscles to adapt and grow to the added stress.
- 2 sets of warmups, 8 to 10 reps
- I do 6 to 9 heavy sets, 4 to 6 reps
- 2 to 3 minute breaks between sets
- I train every muscle group once a week (see below for training days schedule)
- Every 8 weeks, I take a week off to let my body relax
Training days
- Mondays: legs; calves, quads, hamstrings
- Tuesdays: arms; biceps, triceps and forearms
- Wednesdays: back; upper, middle and lower back
- Thursdays: shoulders and traps
- Fridays: chest; upper, lower and mid